Workwrite Resumes

I Quit! Can you work it out without leaving?

Should I stay or should I go? If that's what you're asking yourself every day at work, it's time to make a decision.

Should I stay or should I go? If that’s what you’re asking yourself every day at work, it’s time to make a decision.

If you’re unhappy with your job, it can seem like every hour of every day is a painful reminder of what you could be doing. Many times, however, the cause of the problem can be traced to a few things going sideways. The rest of the job is actually satisfying.

One of my jobs was that way. I loved the work; the schedule was OK, most of the people were nice. The ethics? Not so much. My supervisor had asked me to spy on another employee and report back to her. When I said I wasn’t comfortable doing that, I became persona non grata, being denied additional work and responsibilities when I requested them, having credit for my work given to others, and receiving a negative performance review after years of glowing reports. The problem grew until it poisoned the entire experience, and I quit.

However, there were points along the way the situation could have been salvaged. Maybe you’re still at one of those junctures. If there are enough parts of your job that you DO like, it might be worth trying to change the ones you don’t like.

Here are some suggestions for changing things to make your present job more inspiring:

Change the job: Decide what would make your job worth keeping. Talk with your supervisor about those changes. As in any true negotiation, you may have to offer something in return. What would that be?

Change the size of the job: Perhaps, the nature of the job isn’t the problem, but the volume is. Can you cut your hours, delegate tasks to others, or in some other way lighten the burden on you while still keeping your job?

Change your attitude: Would it help to think of your job another way? For example, I’ve always been the “live to work” sort of person. Work gives my life meaning, purpose, shape, and inspiration. If I had a job that didn’t provide those things, where would I get them? My family and friends? Volunteer work? A hobby or activity? A part-time job? Expect less of your job and more of some other parts of your life, and see what happens.

If you’re stuck in the “I hate my job” doldrums and can’t seem to move forward, contact me right away. My Career Exploration Program can help you identify what to keep, what to change, and how to go about it.


I quit! Make sure your reason for quitting your job is your job

I quit! Should I quit my job?


photo credit: By Craig Sunter from Manchester, UK [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

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