Workwrite Resumes

Job seekers: Cope with holiday stress

Unemployment can even get elves down during the holidays.

Photo by Dylan Tweney

As much as we’d like to think our personal lives don’t affect our professional behavior, the holidays are times we can find out how mistaken that notion is. If you’ve been feeling like curling up in a ball until January, read on.

As my friend Connie Bjerk explains in her latest “Integrated Living” column, the holidays hold many emotions for us, and for some the greatest emotion is loss.  Particularly if this is the first holiday season without a loved one, our responses can become somewhat unpredictable, even to ourselves.

If you are unemployed during this time, you may be experiencing even greater feelings of loss. In addition to those losses we all share, you may also remember times of greater financial ease and professional connection. The guilt many feel during a period of unemployment can also be felt more deeply during the holidays.

In her column, Connie offers some good tips for self care during periods of greater stress. I would add only one more. Know that whatever isn’t feeling right can and will  improve.

If you need some help believing that, contact Connie. If you believe it and you would like to move on in your career, contact us.



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