Workwrite Resumes

Find a Company: Your job search is really a company search

If this is how your job search is looking (or feeling), start looking for a company instead of a job.

If this is how your job search is looking (or feeling), start looking for a company instead of a job.

If you’ve been applying for jobs online and waiting for the phone to ring, you’re among the millions of job seekers who are frustrated by the lack of response from companies.

I have bad news for you. The companies aren’t changing quickly. A few are, like Zappos where they no longer advertise job openings. They have instituted a social media model for their hiring.

However, for most jobs, you’re not going to get to Facebook your hiring manager. So, let’s replace your frustration with a process that will help you sidestep the maddening online application.

But hold on. This means you will need to make some decisions up front, so let’s face down one myth right now:

Myth: “I need to keep all my options open.”

Reality: No. You do not.

Keeping all your job search options open is like going fishing and skiing at the same time.

You’re not going to catch anything, and you’ll probably get hurt.

OK, so now that you have that out of your system, it’s time to make some decisions.

The company you want to work for

First, fill out this list of criteria for your ideal company:

  • Size:
  • City, State
  • Type of geography (ocean, plains, mountains, urban):
  • Industry:
  • Type of Co-workers:
  • Ideal type of boss:
  • Type of professional relationships:
  • Hours of Work:
  • Flexibility of Schedule:
  • Advancement Opportunities:
  • Creative Opportunities:
  • Compensation:
  • Health Benefits:
  • Other Benefits:
  • Profit Sharing:
  • Commute:
  • Lifestyle considerations, work-life balance:
  • Work at home:

Now, split your list into three categories:

  1. Must have:   These are non-negotiable. A company without these items is off the list.
  2. Nice to have. These items can help you decide on one company over another, but they don’t MAKE the decision.
  3. Don’t care: These items are ones that don’t matter to you. They are important to keep track of, however, because you may be able to use them to negotiate for something you DO want during salary negotiations.

What other criteria might be important? If you think of some, please share them in the comment section below. We’re all in this together!

If after reading about finding a company rather than a job, you’d still rather hide under the covers than start your search, contact me right away. We’ll get some Vitamin D in you and then talk about your goals and how to reach them. 


Image courtesy mikumistock at Freedigitalphotos.net.

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