Workwrite Resumes

Job Search Fun: Find partners to help with your job hunt

Job Club

If going it alone in your job search isn’t working well, try working with an accountability partner, job club, or career expert.

When your job search turns dull, you might be trying to go it alone. For some job seekers, finding others to partner with is the secret to renewed motivation.

Accountability Partners

This is the simplest, least time consuming, and least expensive way to include another person in your job search. You and a friend, preferably another job seeker, can set aside 5 minutes per day for a phone call. You each report what you accomplished from the previous day’s list and what you plan to accomplish that day.

The idea is kind of like when your mom asked you if you’d done your homework. You were more likely to finish it when you knew you had to answer to her.

Extroverts, remember, the secret to optimal productivity is to keep the call to 5 minutes.

Job Clubs

If you’re looking more for networking with other job seekers, a job club may be more to your liking. Metro communities often have them available in churches, organizations, or state employment agencies. Some are led by volunteers, some by professionals. Some are free; some have fees attached. Look for weekly meetings if staying motivated is your goal.

The idea is shared wisdom and contacts. The meetings are a place you can find people with similar concerns and experiences. Many job seekers feel isolated and unable to talk with anyone about their worries. A job club offers a relatively safe place to talk about search-related influences on your life and brainstorm solutions. Members also share leads for jobs and contacts.

Hire an expert

Hiring a resume writer and career coach can fast-track a search that isn’t going anywhere and give you a partner with knowledge of documents, search strategies, interviews, and  salary negotiation.

Your investment will total more than the other partnering tactics mentioned above. The advantage is that you focus on your challenges and solutions with one-on-one direction. This is especially important if your job search is so confidential that a job club or partner doesn’t appeal to you. Confidentiality is a big part of the career expert’s function.

When job seekers hire me as their resume writer and career coach, I hear these comments most often:

  • We haven’t even started working together yet, and I feel more positive about my job search already.
  • You gave me hope.
  • I didn’t understand what wasn’t working until we talked about what I needed to do.
  • I didn’t think of a job search as fun, but you’ve made this enjoyable.

If those are things you’ve  been wishing for, contact me today. (I’m working with a three-week waiting list right now, so be sure not to put off calling if you are interested in finding out if working together on your job search might return inspiration to your search.)



Job Search Fun: Ways to get inspired

Job Search Fun: Use engaging search strategies

Job Search Fun: Creative changes for your documents and interview


Photo credit: Bromford


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