Workwrite Resumes

Video interviews: Are you ready for YOUR closeup?

webcamEmployers are looking at video interviews — both live and recorded — as ways to save time and money and perhaps increase the quality of the hire, so it may be time to pay more attention to them.

Until now, the careers industry has considered video interviews as interesting but not practical additions to the job search toolkit. Employers didn’t want to deal with them and the accompanying technology headaches.

That appears to be changing. In the May 2013 edition of Human Resource Executive, Larry Stevens presents a positive view of video interviewing at Ocean Spray, where telephone interviewing has been replaced with automated video interviews. The candidate responds via webcam to questions displayed on a screen.

Stevens’ article also predicts that recorded and live interviews are ready “to move from the early adopter stage to the early majority phase this year.”

A sidebar reported 38% of HR respondents reported using video during the hiring process, according to findings of the 2012 Video Interviewing Usage Survey.


Then, there’s the video resume, or “visume” as another sidebar refers to it.  Research has found 93% of job candidates who used a video resume said they represented themselves better than they would have with a paper resume (or presumably an electronic document.)

Are you ready?

What do you think of the video interview? Would you feel comfortable and prepared?

What about a video resume? Would you create one by yourself? How would you prepare it?

I’m interested in your opinion. You can comment below or email me at Jeri@WorkwriteResumes.com.

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